Return of the Recyclers

This is the only photo I took today! The morning began with some quick editing as the people yesterday needed some images to put on their website asap. Danny went off to translate for an American friend who's just bought a property here and is having to sort out various tax issues. Then later, we had friends over who used to live on the island, the Greens! Lovely to catch up with them and eat together. We've not seen them since they left in October. 
Asha and I popped out this evening to get Nate a gift - he's 2 tomorrow! He loves babies and Asha's friend's doll, so we got him his own one...all the boxes were pink with babies in pink! I was quite surprised there was nothing that was less obviously aimed at girls!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with the Greens and a heart to heart.
2) Tissues and paracetamol - still not over this cold-y/virus/bug.
3) Asha dealing really well with a homeless friend who was a bit drunk and confused tonight.

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