Happiness is...

...a wash basket, a willing sister, and an imagination. At this point Asha was enabling a race car scenario, Nate's 'steering' with his new 'steering wheel' which is the top of a broken lamp. Could he look any happier??! He had another bad night, but woke relatively cheery, and is cheerful in between coughing fits. 
I had a brainwave for a gift for his birthday - I have a string of papier maché fairy light stars...Asha and I have coloured them in different colours and patterns for him to have next to his bed. The health food shop also came through for us again, and Danny managed to buy Nate a little bamboo cup like Asha's. He'll be pleased. Later in the day Asha and I made him a lemon and lavender cake, it was meant be a marble effect with different colours running through it, but it looks a bit like a horror story! Ha! Thankfully it smells good...we'll cover it with icing and sprinkles - no-one will ever know, sssshhhhh. 
I'm blipping early whilst Danny cooks tea and the kids make a den underneath the kitchen table. The introvert in me is finding people 24/7 a bit draining...especially as Nate's awake every day and night as long as I am, at the mo!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Fond childhood memories of my uncle's Mom who passed away today (on his 60th, urgh)...lovely to think over the memories of her from holidays in Welsh caravans, and times playing with my cousins and her being part of it.
2) Asha being such a kind big sister - Nate is seriously fortunate!
3) Half an hour solo time (We just heard the lockdown will be extended til April 26th).

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