Cute puppy

This is my 'cute puppy' look. ….............OK; I'm on the sofa and I'm not really supposed to be on the sofa but I jumped up here when Ann wasn't looking. …...............And then she couldn't resist photographing me because I am just sooooooooooo cute. Don't you just love my ears? It's been raining all day so we have no other photos!!

…...............And in other news............................ Archie's lovely owners took Ann out for lunch at 'Berties' for a belated birthday celebration. #Sensational@60  I had to stay 'home alone' in my crate. I didn't mind because I'd had a 45 min walk in the rain before she left so I was a bit sleepy. Ann says, 'Thank you Archie's owners. It was fab. xxx'

And it's still raining. #Rollonsummer

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