All Relevant Precautions (MM272)

Carrying on from my last two blips Gill and I spent some more time on the railway line, cutting out some of the dead wood and putting in some temporary steps so we can get down into the bottom of the cutting with less risk to life & limb.  I set about sawing up some of the bigger pieces of tree and given that I don't have much experience of chain saws and Gill has been quite concerned about the chances of injury, I was taking all relevant precautions. Part of that involves ear defenders, which fits in well with mono Monday's theme of making noise, even though an electric chainsaw is not exactly heavy metal band loud :-)

Joking aside - with the chain moving toward my legs when cutting downwards, I am quite glad I bought some padded trousers intended to snag the chain brake before the sharp bits reach me in the event of an error.

Assuming I still have a full complement of body parts, the blip meet at Upton House is set for May1st.  More info in the community pages.

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