Family day out...

....beginning with ice-skating at Alexandra Palace for four of us. Sophia wanted me to see how much better she skates with skates from here rather than our time as Somerset House in January. We choreographed a few turns and routines together...and again no falls! Oliver joined us too today which was great.

We met D at the station after his tennis and swimming and it was decided we should give this oriental food court in Collindale,called Bang Bang, a visit. It was huge. The largest Asian food court in London with 27 restaurants and able to seat 450 diners. An experience!

Then onto Go Outdoors for walking boots for Oliver and where S and I had great fun in the tents....a child’s playground paradise!

Just time to say hello to Milo and have a coffee before joining the rush hour crowds back to Victoria then Bromley then home.

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