
By MerlinJ

Misty fields

I must have one of the most beautiful commutes - through rolling rural land-scape, then hugging the Forth coastline, across the iconic Forth Road Bridge, and then entering into the architecturally magnificent city of Edinburgh. One way of passing the train journey is to hold the camera-phone to the window and randomly press the shutter. Today's journey yielded a variety of lovely images, but I particularly liked the misty fields at the very start of my journey.

I'm feeling a bit better, thanks for all your good wishes, but P has started to cough now.

In other news, P's Christmas present arrived today while I was out. I expected it to come in an anonymous box so I could wrap it up, but instead he is perfectly aware of what he is getting. Why do companies deliver parcels in boxes which have photographs of the product on them? It was meant to be a surprise! Still, I'm going to wrap it up anyway.

Did I mention that I LOVE wrapping up? If you still need your presents wrapped, drop them off to me and I'd love to do it for you. I pride myself on not using any sticky tape. Just old-fashioned ribbon tied in proper bows - the kind where you can just tug on one free end, and the whole parcel just falls open like it does in the cartoons.

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