Please don't be temporary

I prayer walked along Bossa today...each of the community has taken a day to walk and pray about the future of 24-7 Ibiza there...if we feel there might be one. There was so much incredible graffiti the one pictured - please don't be temporary...those words really struck me...

The kids were delighted by a parcel of gifts from Bulliblips and co - THANKYOU! I think the postman was delighted to find me in and not have to come back yet again!

Asha and I watched a bit of One Planet this afternoon - it is so amazing for starting brilliant conversations....though she now can't sleep because she's got so much going around her head...oh dear!!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Walking around Bossa, listening and watching for what God might be saying.
2) Nate's gorgeous excited reaction when I walked in.
3) Danny being kind and available, and helping out a friend a lot these past few days. 

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