I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray

A Challenge

This outhouse was no match for the wind last night. The workers are going to have a challenge using it!

I found cushions in the pool and all corners of the yard. The chairs at the table were pushed in different positions with one of them very close to the edge of the pool. The musical frogs were down and the sunflower with the working ants didn't make survive either. 

Bunker wouldn't go to bed without me. He knows Tony goes to sleep immediately, so he waited for me to crawl in bed and cover him up. We still heard all sorts of things go bump in the night.

Our friends are a bit late getting here. They were an hour from their house when Cathy realized she had left her purse and phone behind. I know what that is all about!

I am grateful that there wasn't too much damage done with this wind. This is nothing compared to what people go through in hurricanes. I can't even image having to endure this for more than a few hours.

Until tomorrow.....

P.S. It will be interesting to see if the other outhouse survived. It is in a more protected area so the possibility it is still standing is good. I will let you know tomorrow. Two days of golf ahead.

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