The Hydraulics Blew.......... (Not Blue)

I decided to clean out some kitchen cupboards today, something that has to happen in Florida, periodically because home bugs can be such a problem...  Anything that was old, opened for too long, lost it's flavor, etc.  was thrown in the garbage which I took to the mail center where our trash compactor is located.  You, know, throw in the trash, lock the door, push the button and the trash gets crushed and compacted under very heavy pressure, hydraulically .   Well..... when I got there, the crane was already in place, the sides had been lifted out, the danger lights were flashing, and another LONG dumpster had been dropped off, for us so we could empty our garbage.  The whole crew was there, the air tools were working and the place was like a bee hive.
      This afternoon I went to an OMUG meeting,  or Ocala Mac Users Group.  It gets together monthly, goes over changes, new programs, answers programs, tips and suggestions.  Today the topic was the Mohjave  operating system and some really cool new tools Apple  has built into the system.  It was really good to see some of the friends I have made, catch up, chit chat and brain storm!
     Afterwards, I had to get gas (tomorrow is the PT Buddies Luncheon in Gainesville) then  stopped to get my mail, and took the time to get todays blip.  The crew had everything taken apart, and they kindly told me the new machine would be brought tomorrow morning,  hopefully, that  we would be all back together again by the same time, tomorrow.    Man......  How this world turns........    

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