X Marks the Spot

It was only six days ago that I/we were sitting just where X is in the Tigers’ stadium looking at this car park!
Today was taken up with a visit to the Leicester Royal Infirmary for the ‘Infectious Diseases Clinic’ to tell me that I have had all sorts of diseases in my past life that I had no idea of, but not the one we were looking for – ‘Lyme disease’!!!  Back to the GP to find out what has been causing these ‘Lyme disease’ symptoms for the past two and a half years since my second tick bite!!
Just a word of warning to all that go walking or the like, ‘Watch Out – a Tick’s About’.  Lyme is on the rise in the UK, and prevention is better than cure.  In simple terms if you are in woodland or grassland make sure you cover up – long sleeves and long trousers.  For up to date information visit LDA (UK), or the page we have just put on the Country Eye website with world wide links.

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