Scallops: One Street #6

A horrendous night - gales force winds and huge gusts, with torrential rain. But all calm and mild this morning thank goodness. Himself headed off to Cork city bright and early to do a bit of shopping before going on to collect son#2, who should just be landing at this moment! (text message from Himself - Bristol flight just landed! Also there's a woman in a kilt playing the bagpipes - a famous piper is arriving as well!) So excited!!

I've been hurtling round but stopped off at the pier on my way home. Another in the One Street series. Today I was spoilt for choice for blips as the sea was so still and an extraordinary colour, but when I got to the end of the pier there was activity, so I lurked shyly. A small fishing boat, one of four that goes out regularly, had just arrived in with a catch of scallops. A father and son run the business and I'm always amazed how tiny and basic the boats are. I have to confess that I find these heaps of scallops unpsetting but I do have a funny story to tell about them - stop me if you've heard this one before! Too late: We hadn't been over here long when we asked a local farmer to help us with some drainage. One night when we had just returned from the airport taking the lads back after christmas, there was a knock on the door about 10pm and there was the farmer on the doorstep, a large brown paper bag in hand. He'd brought us a late Christmas present. We peered inside and there were masses of live scallops. Being ridiculously polite we thanked him and as soon as he had gone bunged the bag into the kitchen sink and shrieked. Not long afterwards as we sat in the sitting room, we heard rather odd rustly and gloopy noises - the scallops were trying to escape. That was it!!! Braving a force 9 gale, torch in hand, we collected the bag and ventured down to the sea where we released the scallops!! Next morning we rushed down half expecting to see them all floating on the surface but there was nothing. Later the farmer asked us how we'd found them
'They went down very well' we replied innocently!!

Okay, off to bake some mince pies and welcome in son #2.
Ps Worth biggifying to see the message written on one of the fishboxes; and in the background is the rather lovely home of our well know celebrity resident - what a view Mr Norton has. I think he must be arriving shortly with a houseparty for everywhere has just been painted.

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