Alternative family portrait

A homeless friend asked if she could take some pics of us...this was one of them, ha!! There were nicer smiley ones, but I enjoyed the ridiculousness of this!
Poor Nate woke with an upset stomach, so he and I stayed home whilst Danny and Asha went to church. It was a long tearful morning, he was not feeling good...I was grateful when Danny and Asha got home, and when I was able to escape and meet Camilla and Jud for a coffee.
Early evening all of us, including J & C, met up for a goodbye ice cream with Todd. He's heading back to the States to tie up loose ends before he and Stephen move here permanently.

Palm Sunday and one of the local Catholic Churches paraded around town with 'Jesus' and a donkey & lots of palm-waving followers...and hugely moving drumming...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate eating some dinner.
2) Seeing Maya (who took the pic) & hearing about how well she's doing at the moment.
3) Time with Jud & Camilla.

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