Xmas Dinner with Friends and Neighbours!

'X' is for Xmas! ;-)

I received a very welcome e-mail last night, my dear children in Stockholm, MissU2, sent me quite a variety of suggestions for this difficult 'X'-week! Yesterday's idea came from C, today these beauties jumped into my screen and I just had to use one of the titles received from Sweden, no crooking here, honest!! Hahahah!!

The White-winged Widowbird - Euplectes albonotatus is a complete stranger to me, I was actually waiting for the Red Bishops when he turned up, woohoo!! But they are soooo busy, it was real difficult to get a super pic! At times there were 5 Red Robins a bright Yellow Finch as well as this beautiful little Widowbird feasting on their Xmas dinner, but none of those pics show this little beauty so clearly!

Tomorrow is a BEEEEGGGG Blipday for me!! Can't wait! Hiehiehie!!

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