X-Generation brought us ?..

'X' is for X-Generation! ;-)

I celebrate my 1500th Blipday today! I am seriously proud to say I've achieved this without one single gap! Wowzer, I can't believe it myself! I could not keep a journal for the life of me! Never, ever!! I have tried, yes, plenty times, have lots of booklets with one or two lines, or in extreme cases, almost one full page, trying to keep a journal of my life, but sorry .... no success .... not ever! And here comes Joe, a Gen-X'er, and proof to me that I can do it if the medium is interesting enough!!

These youngsters, born between the early 1960's and 1985, known as Generation X, are the ones who brought us all these weird and wonderful things like Blip, Facebook, Mxit, Twitter, WhatsApp and Google, Safari, and ...... and .... and!! The Gen-X'ers in my personal life insisted on me staying in touch with what's to offer in their Digital World, even my camera had to become Digital!! Whoohoo!! I luvvvv all of it and all of U!

Thank you Joe, for being a Gen-X'er and for bringing us, the Baby Boomers, the opportunity to keep a journal of our lives in such a wonderful way! Thank you M&Z, MissU2, for encouraging me to join Blipfoto.com! Thank you C&R sr as well as R jr, for supporting me through good as well as bad times, always encouraging me to 'Blip now'. C, for helping me with research to discover a theme, starting with 'X' for today's Blip and R jr for doing the photography for this one, and last but not least, thank you to all my Blipfriends and Blipfamily for visiting and commenting religiously and most of all for all the loving support and prayers during my cancer and chemo therapy ordeal the past four months

Bring on that Red Camera Icon Joe and the Blip team, I am sooo excited!

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