Another prize arrived in the post this morning - a pack of 4 Kelloggs Rice Krispies Squares - honeycomb flavour. Not as beautiful as yesterdays prize but still worth winning.

Had a really bad nights sleep due to sore throat and earache so I phoned the doctor at 8am for an appointment. Got one for 5 past 10. Saw my usual doctor who did a few checks and said it was a viral infection so antibiotics would be no good. So I just have to put up with everything until it goes away. Should be gone within a week - he said. Hope so as I have felt terrible today.

When I got back from doctors I delivered the Christmas cards to the neighbours. As I live in a cul-de-sac it didn't take long. I had company whilst doing it - Cookie came with me up every driveway and back down again, then on to the next house until we had finished. Nice to see my liitle pal. Then I went to bed for an hour or so. Then I got the bus to the local Coop. Don't go there very often so decided to go and see if they had anything new/different/ festive.

Another nap when I got back from the Coop. Then a lazy evening watching TV as I didn't have the energy to do anything else. 11.30pm now and I can feel my eyes closing. So I will just have to get off to bed soon. Need to be up early tomorrow as my friend Jan is coming at 9am so we can go to Asda. Bet the place will be packed.

So no comments from me this evening - will try and catch up tomorrow. Night night from a very weary dollydoug.

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