Sumani is 2!

Sumani is the daughter of our Office Manager Samita. We were lucky enough to be invited to her second birthday celebrations. Samita is from the Newa caste and they do not celebrate a child's first birthday, but the second is a big deal. Today was the day when all the family get together and bless the child and eat lots of special food. You can see them here starting the process, which included and big red tikka on here forehead, garlands of flowers and special "sweets", flowers tipped over her head, lots of blessing water stuff and many other things I have no clue about! She was very cute when she had to put things to her forehead to bless them (or be blessed?). She did this in a very calm and lovely way and it was a special moment for us to witness.

The Mrs had made a Lemon drizzle cake which was delish!

We then got loads of food but as I am feeling dodgy we didn't eat much and were soon going back in the taxi (we had meant to get the bus but I don't think I could've coped). I spent the afternoon in bed.

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