Steep Ground

Still my favourite workshop to run, phew. 
Made even better by some ridiculously good weather and some of the group being old friends. The rest are future friends. 

Very glad I arrived early (& told the group to) when we were leaving at 15.00 it was the busiest I've ever seen Langdale. Not helped by the NT folk not turning in for the day and people just parking everywhere, I saw two couples who had been parked in by inconsiderate people and were effectively stranded. 

Then an afternoon and early evening of damn hard graft fun in the garden getting the first spring jobs done and servicing the mower. Missy helped. I'm sure you can all imagine how much help that amounted to......

Philosophy Friday
"you only live once" said Charlie Brown.
"No" said Snoopy "you only die once. You must live every day"

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