Arthur's Pike

Taken from Loup Knott. Errands in Penrith first thing (Sainsbury not at all well laid out or stocked, but pleasantly empty) then a 4 mile detour for a pooch walk and our alloted exercise.
Starting to have to think about carrying water for Missy or planning walks that go via water. This is one of the longest dry spells I can remember in Cumbria. Where we are water can be hard to find, much of it below ground thanks to all the limestone.
Had promised self a day off from the green gym, but got bored this afternoon and made another planter (which is kind of DIY rather than gardening lol) from repurposed wood . Did manage to stay away from building any more of the stone wall which is surprisingly absorbing.

Ps, thank you for all the loveliness for the last couple of days spring babies.

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