Perfect cure

Woke feeling very rough....the cold is really taking hold. Ended up staying in bed till 11, partly continuing to listen to the Obama book and partly dozing, pushed myself to get up as the sun streamed through the windows and headed off for a trip I’ve been thinking of doing for a while...into Haddington first of all and had a wander then a late coffee/brunch at a place called The Loft, can’t remember how I heard about it but worth finding. Then on to Gullane and had a lovely walk along the full length of the beach, stopping once at each end to read my ‘For one night only’ book (murder set in Edinburgh). Absolutely stunning warm and clear blue skies like a perfect summer’s day.
Managed to get to the cafe in Gullane for the last half hour to enjoy tea and Victoria sponge cake....with sandy feet and tingling skin from the salt air and sun.
Home and a quiet evening catching up on recorded TV. A restorative day.

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