
By snailspace


Went out without a camera today, mainly for reasons of stupidity and a flat batteries situation. Of course, The Rule came into play.

We tackled Boucle no 7, sandwiched betwixt a couple of legs of Boucle no 8. The walk was only slightly longer than yesterday's as we came back by a shorter route from Saint-Remy.

As we were nearing the junction with the D10, just about 1 km from home. we heard a rustling in the ditch. Mr L looked for a snake or lizard and was floored by what he found. We were standing three feet away from a  Boar piglet. A gorgeous wee stripey thing, it was not much larger than a Guinea pig... It took off up the bank and through the hedge, where we assumed that it had fled to its mother. Not so. As we turned the junction onto the D10 to the last leg home, there the piglet was - trotting up and down a bare field and into a mud wallow and out again.  Happy as a pig in muck... oh, wait....

It was a magical ten minutes or so. A real privilege.I had no idea that we had boar in these parts as, though there are many trees, it isn't forested.

The baby cannot be more than a few weeks old, as farrowing runs from March into May. It seems odd that it was alone, litters are usually (I think) 3 or 4 piglets, I fear that it has become separated from its family. The urge to rescue was strong :-)

Anyway, the time was galloping on towards bathtime and an early bed (we have to be up early tomorrow) and I found myself once again Blipless. I did however have freshly charged batteries. What to point the camera at? How about this chap? He lives in my garden (or what passes for one) and I recently sat him on the windowsill so that he could see in. He is going to have to move though as I frankly find him just a little bit creepy when I am not expecting him.

Seaside tomorrow. Yippee. No ice cream though. We are still low-carbing

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