
By tondrijfhamer

Location scouting

Recently I've entered a collaboration with and together with the owner, Yolanda Wals, I went to Groningen (Reitdiephaven) tonight to do some location scouting for an upcoming photo workshop. Theme of the workshop will be: Long exposure and the use of ND-filters and it will be held next week, May 1st.
I will not be assisting by the way, because I'll be on a short holdiday by then.

I've been to this location, Reitdiephaven, a few times before, but Yolanda hadn't, and she wanted to eyeball the scene for herself.
I took some shots, but the light and reflections weren't playing nice. Actually they weren't playing at all. No light, no reflections.
I hope Yolanda will have more luck next week.

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