Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Bluebells and birch trees

I think this is such a Scottish sight - though I'm aware that as I had an interminable jigsaw puzzle with the same ingredients when I was a child, it can't be unique. But suddenly the vivid blues - and the white of wild garlic, and the yellow of the gorse - these colours are everywhere, lent more power with the lessening of the sunshine as the weather reverts to Spring.

A strangely ordinary day in the midst of church-orientated busyness: shopping (how can 2 people get through so much food? We don't even eat all that much), pottering on the computer, this walk in the wind at Toward. But underneath it all the sense of stress contained, alleviated by walking.

Trying to be more organised this evening - last night I wasn't in bed till after 1am and couldn't then sleep - I heard the grandfather clock strike 3. Not a usual problem - mustn't let it become one!

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