
What a week...

Last Tuesday I had a bit of an accident. Long story short. There is a dog lives in a house we pass and it barks like mad and throws its self against against the fence. When it does this Molly barks back and gets over excited so after we got past she was still skitty and just then a lady came round the corner with a little dog. Molly shot foreward just as i stepped up the curb pulled me I tripped and landed on my chin and nose and this is the result. Ouch.

Then Paula ordered a new base for her bed they said it would be delivered between Friday and Tuesday. She then got an email on wednesday afternoon to say they were delivering Thursday so we had to dismantle the old base which is an adjustable and very heavy with the motor on. So it had to come off before we could move it. Well it took us quite awhile to get it all done and downstairs as we are not that young. Last night paula slept on the mattress on the floor

Today we had to move the mattress etc and take down paintings on the stairs.

E mail gave a 2 hour slot 1pm to 3pm at 20 to 1 we got an email to say sorry your order has been sent to the wrong depot. Then we got a phone call to say sorry when they locate it they would contact us in the next 48 hours to arrange a delivery.

So put mattress back remade bed put pictures back up aand wait.


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