
By LifeinAlohaland

Alohaland abundance

These beautiful flowers have sprouted along the lane to the beach. They are exquisitely beautiful and unusual, kind of like two flowers in one.

Some work, some shopping at Costco, some reading at the beach (I'm becoming quite the "intenditrice" of quantum physics ha ha) and some more work. My day.

We've been here now in Alohaland for just over three months. It feels like the time is flying by, but it also feels like I am light years away from my past life of the EUI and Florence. I'm certainly more tanned, and perhaps a bit fitter with my daily yoga/stretching, walks on the beach and somewhat irregular swims at the Y. I'm certainly less stressed by external forces like work and city life, traffic and irritable people. I can't say that I'm totally relaxed, mindful and at peace with life and the world around me (well, how could one be in the present state of the world?!) I can't even say that I've accomplished who knows what since being here, but I can say that I find immense enjoyment in the beauty of the physical surroundings and in the quality of life that Alohaland offers (to those who can afford it ... many can't). It's a wonderful experience, and I'm so glad that we took the leap to cross two oceans to get here.

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