
By astudyinscarlet

distraction therapy

my friend and ex-flatmate, K, has entered the moonwalk but thinks she's seriously lacking training, so I said I'd have a walk with her this week as she's off work. we had the coffee first, rather than after, so as to burn it off, then set out for a brisk double circuit of the meadows. ok, only a couple of miles (maybe three - we went over the links on the first circuit), but better than nothing, and it was good to catch up, too. grey skies, so no good panorama/arthurs seat shots (maybe later in the year), but the crocuses were lovely. in a few weeks it'll be the daffs, then later again the cherry trees, so i've a feeling i'll be back up there for a walk or two...

also, there's a meeting tomorrow at work - *gulp*

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