
By astudyinscarlet


i mentioned a couple of days ago that i had a thing i'd thought of but then changed my mind - this is it: knots.

knots in my stomach for a while now, and intensely the last few days - knotty situation at work - unravelling on the horizon...
and one piece of news today that i'll shoehorn into the picture as being something we didn't realise was a knot at all turning out to be a gordian knot - something that didn't seem a problem in the slightest turns out to have been one and was solved with a stroke of a sword (pen, but i'm feeling melodramatic).

so, as of next week, i am one shift down. doesn't sound much, does it? translation: as of next week, i am 20% of my salary down. more worringly, as of april/may, i am likely to be a lot worse off. not so badly off as many other people out there - blippers and friends/colleagues of blippers included, i'm sure. but forgive me sharing my rage and fear at losing a job which i like, am good at and pays well enough that i don't have to worry about paying the electricity bill *and* the council tax in the same month any more. i guess knowing is better than not knowing, but it's not really helping right now...

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