Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

So hard .....

.... to pick a blip after a really amazing day.
We set off from Ings at 7am in brilliant sunshine only to find Windermere shrouded in a thick mist. We had planned a trip to Borrowdale so it didn’t matter.
Approaching Keswick the sun made a spectacular appearance again so we took a little detour to Castlerigg stone circle. We weren’t disappointed.
Another man was cursing the ‘magic’ of the stones as he had suddenly lost all of the images on his camera !!!
For me the magic was happening right in front of our eyes.
Onwards then to Lingholm Estate for brekky. A new development or rather a renovated estate, known to Beatrix Potter. She apparently wrote Peter Rabbit after staying here and seeing the walled kitchen garden.
We can highly recommend the Lingholm Kitchen.
Next a walk around the grounds to the lake where we spied the newly opened BoatHouse available to rent this week for £300 per night. On a day like today I’m sure people will think it’s worth it but when it’s pouring down ...?
Then a longish walk along Derwent Water to Borrowdale - just stunning.
Onwards to see more bluebells at Crummock Water. They are spectacular this year.
Now blipping from my phone while waiting for supper in The Kirkstile Inn
A perfect day
Ps forgot to mention that someone! emptied tomato ketchup over himself and most of the table this morning

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