
4.45 and it wasn't easy to drag myself out of bed for our traditional dawn chorus walk around the garden, but I'm so glad I did, even though it was raining, which dampened the sound a little. In Mfuwe it was always the robin chat which sang first in the mornings. Here the first bird I heard was a song thrush. We both just stood in the woods, eyes closed, listening to that glorious sound. Then back to bed for another couple of hours :-)

Later in the day I went to look at the bluebells, which are almost at their best, I think. I tried to explain these to my Zambian friends, and also about the Spring being a time when the days became noticeably longer. A photo does more justice to the bluebells than my description, so here it is. I'm just sorry that you won't be able to appreciate their heavenly scent.

It's cool after the rain, or maybe I'm just missing the warm African sunshine. Anyway, I'm off to light the fire...

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