Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Going Out on a High Note

So the final day at work dawned at last. Sarah and I cleared the remaining few items from our desks, answered the final few emails and took a pile of Liverpool Mental Health Consortium’s archives over to Central Library where they will be stored as part of the history of the city, which gives us some small satisfaction, at least.

Then we went back to the office, wiped our computers and handed them over to another local charity which will be able to put them to good use.

After that, there was nothing more to be done except walk across to our favourite café/coffee shop, Lovelock’s, for a valedictory drink and the chance to hear Sarah tickle the ivories on the in-house piano. She gave an emotional performance of pieces by Chopin, Beethoven and, best of all to my mind, a self-composed piece. She’s a very talented woman and will be a huge asset to whichever employer is canny enough to snap her up! She’s been a great friend to me these past 6 years and I’m going to miss our daily interactions a lot. We’ll still keep in touch and see each other, of course, but it definitely feels like the end of an era. Still, our trustees are throwing us a leaving party on Saturday, so there’s that to look forward to!

I think of Sarah and I as being a couple of Golden Girls in waiting, so today’s song is obviously ‘Thank You For Being a Friend’ by Andrew Gold, which I’d play for her myself, if I had any keyboard skills whatsoever!

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