View from pool

This shot was taken at around 4pm.  I was standing by the pool, as you can see the pollution is improving, at last,  this sky heralded an incoming storm, which didn't last long. I didn't swim as I had just got back from the hairdressers.  It was, however, nice to be able to sit outside with a book.  

Last time I went to the hairdressers my normal hairdresser wasn't there.  She was this time and I asked if she had been home, her home is in Kanchanaburri, she had.  She went on to tell me that her ex-partner, or as she put it "my son's father" had died.  He was 43 and had cancer, she put it down to too much smoking and drinking.  It still seemed sad to me, but she wasn't that upset.   

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