Philosophy Friday

Representing the LibDems I lost what has historically been the safest Tory seat on the Council by just 4 votes. I know there are a lot of positives to take from that, but it doesn't address the fact that local people now have another four years of a Councillor that never knocked on a door, that doesn't go to meetings, that doesn't listen to people.
With a turnout under 40% and 4% of the ballots being spoiled I oh so nearly wrote about people getting the representation they deserve.

Then I took a puppy for a walk in the wonder. Paused. Pondered. Fed the Soul. I sat a long while simply being, ruminating on this fluttering, stuttering flag. A symbol of how in unity we become more than the sum of our parts. There's always a but.

Philosophy Friday
I know there are terrible people out there. I know there are the people who don't care, the people who hate, the people who make us less.

But, always, always if we look, if we choose, but....

I also know there are people who smile at strangers, people ever ready with a kind word. People who laugh so loud and long that they snort, people who photograph their friends simply out of the joy of seeing them happy. People who pause to appreciate wildflowers growing in the dirt, people who ramble happily on about the things they're passionate about, eager to share. People who blush and stutter but still carry on, people who always always do their best.

People who are kind, people who care, people who love and love and love.

And despite what the press, the politicians & the privileged tell us they are the people who really matter, they are the people that are the quiet truth of the world. We just need to see them more, hear them more, feel them more.
Because they are the people who make us more.

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