Racing Towards Me......

....... to give me a dandelion.

Took Isabella to dancing this morning.  There's a new set-up, and everyone is a bit confused.  They've split some of the classes into two, as there are too many children.

Isabella is now in a class of 5 whereas before there were 15 in the class.  The little girls and their teacher seemed to be enjoying themselves a lot more.  And when they showed us their little dance at the end of the class, Isabella was having a great time.  There was a lot of swinging of the hips!!

When we came out it was raining, but not too hard.  We had a bit of a walk to get to the car, and you can't really hurry Mia.

Isabella said, ' I'm getting wet.'  Then, 'Never mind, I'll dry off.'  Mia just kept trying to brush the raindrops off her shirt.

We had a good day, we played with bubbles on the patio, as the grass was pretty wet.  Not sure how, but Mia ended up with a lot of bubbles in her hair.  Of course, Isabella had no idea how they got there.

Had a moment when I was collecting everything up to bring in from the garden.  'Where's Tushka (Mia's little bear), I can't find Tushka.'  'It's in your hand Grandma!'  A reverse situation from the other day, when I laughed at Isabella for doing exactly the same thing.

We ended the day watching a bit of Snow White, whilst the girls both 'did' my hair.

They had a comb each, and a lot of pulling and tugging went on.  Mia made me laugh when she kept peering into my face and smiling at me.

(The extra is Isabella in her dance class.  She's in red, she likes to stand out from the crowd!)

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