
By lauramary


The day was actually alright. I went to the wonderful Wicken Fen but the weather was crazy. The howling wind on the exposed fen left me unsure whether I would cope but thankfully before long I was feeling the sun warm my legs. And then hail!

I love the gloomy, vast skies, especially when the sunlight creeps in and brings the expanse of barren land to life. The vibrant colours glowing all around never cease to amaze me. The whole place was so atmospheric and moody.

It’s not that I wanted to be there all the time, but I lasted and it was good for me to be out. I would have liked to nap when I got home but I ended up playing games with my housemate. I even did some cooking too. I’d say it was a pretty pleasant afternoon in the end.

The only real difficulty with the day was the anxiety I felt this morning about the GP... I don’t think it helped that I’d had a horrible dream about her rejecting me. I just hope I don’t go completely mad on Wednesday.

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