One of the best

Another great day here, blue sky, huge white clouds and plenty of sunshine. I've finished painting the largest half of the deck and replaced a couple more rotting slats. The other part of the deck, the narrower piece outside the windows, will have to wait until I can devise a way to make new foundations. 

Having planted up a couple of spud bags I'm now going to sit outside in my shirtsleeves with a nice cup of tea, unless it's too warm, of course!

My Blip today is of one of my favourite rhododendrons. Rh edgeworthii is a wonderfully scented species with beautiful foliage and which needs shelter and very good drainage, when it's reasonably hardy. Mine's still in a pot and came through the last few winters without any problems, so will be planted out on the bank in due course. It's a native of Northern India, SE Tibet, Yunnan, Bhutan and NE Upper Burma.

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