William in the Bluebells

Quite a busy day really. I picked Will up shortly after 10.30 am and we beetled off to the Outwoods to sneak a look at the bluebells. Only roadside parking and the man in front of me took ages to get organised. He had two young lads with him and had brought their bikes. Goes without saying that cycling is not allowed in the woods. What kind of lesson is that?

William was tired and loath to get out of his pushchair. A passing stranger had to help me manhandle it through the kissing gate. I picked a bluebell for him to give to his Mum. You can see him holding it.

He got out and walked for a short way but insisted on getting back in his pushchair. Basil was running all over the place and acquainting himself with other canines.

Back home for Will to play train sets with Grandad and have  more Thomas the Tank Engine stories read. Meanwhile, I made myself bacon and egg. I'd had a small bowl of porridge for breakfast and was starving. While I think about it, I could do with dinner now. It's gone 10 pm.

Then off to the Quorn MayDay Carnival which was amazing. Didn't take Basil as the pushchair was enough to handle. Loads of people, rides and stalls, and Stacey was there running the dog show. We gravitated to the Community Library where the tea room was open and I could use the loo.

I bought orange and almond cake for me and and gingerbread biscuit for Will with icing delineating a cat's features. He licked all the icing off and demolished most of the biscuit.

Drove him back to Leicester, then returned home over the Forest to find that Len and Basil had already departed for Colin's where I joined them. Two tots of Harris Gin didn't go amiss.

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