Mama Checking da Twins

Still cold and breezy day, the odd wintery showers too.  There has been some fine sunny spells.  The wind calmed this evening, but brrr, it's cold!

A busy day in the museum.  I started the day with two school groups, and I was doing WWII workshops with them.  Still a good few visitors from the Folk Festival.  The cruise ship due cancelled, and Orkney got them instead.  I dashed off to work in the pub after tea.  Walkies with Sammy around Scalloway, and now feet are up. 

I popped down the road at lunchtime, and had a brisk walk.  It was a fairly chilly walk, but when the sun came out, you could feel a bit of warmth.  These peerie lambs were fairly sleepy, and trying their best to keep warm, out of the breeze, and in the sunshine.  And mam had to come check on them when I arrived.  Taken at Mail, Cunningsburgh.  

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