
By CharlotteJ


The window fitters returned today, good guys are Dan and his apprentice Ryan. All was going well until I heard from Dan ‘Charlotte, I’ve cut myself real bad’....I looked up from my desk (working at home as I do) to see one 6ft bloke holding his blood soaked hand, dripping blood everywhere looking very very pale!!
Instinct took over. Although I did think shit, don’t panic. My first aid kit was were it was meant to be, first time ever! So I wrapped him up and Chris who was also working from home shoved him in his car and off to A&E they went. Two hours later, good going for A&E...Dan and Chris (chris waited for him) return. Dan was lucky.
My blip is of the offending item. I won’t comment as to whether it caused the problem or the problem presented itself, but let’s just say, apparently the guard wasn’t working correctly!
Blood was mopped up and my pale pink sofa got luck...I’m grateful for scotchgard!!

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