Clever, clever, clever, puppy!

I have lived with Ann for almost three months and for those of you who read my Blips regularly, you will know that she is always stressing about my toilet training. It's not that I'm having lots of accidents in the house (though I do have the occasional one); it's the fact that I never, ever, seem to want to go. Ann says I must have a steel bladder!

Anyway, after my 'big girl op' yesterday; today I have been taking it easy. I've mainly just been snoozing and have had four little 'round the block' walks. And guess what?..................... Every time I've been out, I've had a wee. Yay! You cannot believe how happy this has made Ann. Sad human! She's hoping that this is the start of me being a big grown up puppy who can wee on demand.

Oh and the other thing........................ I've only had to wear my little romper suit when Ann popped out for an hour. The rest of the time I've been trusted not to lick my wound. Can you see the little scar on my tummy in this Blip?

Today I have been the bestest puppy ever.

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