Big girl op!

I went to the vets today to be spayed. Well I don't want boy dogs jumping on me and making me pregnant do I? I'm a right little tart when I'm playing. I love lying on my back so that other doggies can roll around with me, so Ann said it was probably better that I got 'done' sooner rather than later.

The vet says I'll be sleepy for the next 12-24 hours so Ann said it was probably best if I went into my crate for a snooze. The door isn't locked so I can come out if I want to. But I don't want to. I'm very, very tired.

Apparently I've got to wear a 'cone collar' for at least the next 24 hours to stop me licking my wound but I'm too tired to even think about licking my wound at the moment. But do you know what?....................... Ann knew that I wouldn't like the cone collar so guess what she has bought me? She's bought me three little baby romper suits and she's dressed me in one of those instead of horrid cone collar. I don't mind the romper suit at all. It protects my wound and it's really comfy.

Obviously she will let me take it off when I go for my walks. I don't want other doggies laughing at me! I'm only going to get little 'toileting' walks for the next couple of days and then I have to stay on my lead for the next 10-14 days.

The only thing that is slightly worrying is........................... I haven't eaten very much today. Obviously I wasn't allowed any breakfast because I had an anaesthetic, but the vet nurse tried to feed me when I woke up. I wasn't hungry. Apparently my blood sugar levels are low?! However fortunately Ann had some chicken in the fridge so she hand fed me some of that when I got home and when I wake up there's some grated cheese on my puppy food so I think I should be OK. 

Ann's got a couple of friends coming round for dinner tonight and she's going to spend all day with me tomorrow to keep an eye on me so hopefully I'll recover well.


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