Excitable, hyper, puppy!!!

Today I went to 'Hermitage of Braid' for my afternoon walk and I was trusted to go 'off lead'. Obviously I had to have a little pep talk first because 'Hermitage of Braid' is quite a big place and Ann didn't want me to get lost. She said, 'Trixie, you must keep an eye on me at all times and when I shout, Trixie come, you must come straight away and I will give you a treat.'

…............Famous last words!!!

I was very, very good most of the time. But there's always a but isn't there?....................... When I see other dogs that I want to play with I forget that I have to watch Ann at all times. And I'm certainly not interested in coming back for a treat, because playing with other doggies is far more exciting. This afternoon I met two spaniels and a little puppy schnauzer that wanted to play with me so I totally ignored Ann. I went racing around with them for ages. Ann was calling and calling me but I was having far too much fun to come back.

Three times I disobeyed Ann and three times I got put back on my lead for 5 mins. That wasn't much fun, especially when she tied me to a tree so that she could Blip me. Lol! Having said that I met loads of other dogs that weren't interested in playing with me so I just went straight back to Ann. And I got treats and didn't have to go on my lead. I LOVE LOVE LOVE zooming around off my lead.

I was out for an hour and a half this afternoon because Ann wanted to tire me out so that I would be on my bestest behaviour at puppy training class tonight. Well that plan didn't work?!!

OMG, I haven't seen my puppy friends for three weeks and do you know what?............... there were new puppies there that were even younger than me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE puppy class. However, my behaviour in puppy class is getting worse. It's like the minute I get in there, I forget everything I've learnt. I can sit, wait and come when it's just Ann & me, but as soon as the other puppies distract me I forget everything that I've learnt. Ann says it's not the other puppies that are distracting me; it's me distracting them. I want to play with them all and I want to make friends with their owners. I am so hyper & excitable it's unbelievable. Oh, and even though Ann took me in the park 2 mins before puppy class I had a huge wee in the hall 20 mins later.

Ann is really worried that I'm going to be expelled from puppy class because I am definitely the naughtiest puppy there.


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