Near Kentmere

Backblip 6
The reason we were in the Lakes when we were was to run the Staveley Lakeland Trails 18k race. This started at 2pm and Mr Rat and I helped with the water station for the 10k run in the morning (an intense half hour filling cups for 400 or so and trying to stop them blowing away). The water station had this fantastic view across the valley though the wind was strong and bitter.
There was a 5k, a 10k and two 18k events, doing the same route but starting an hour apart.. At least, that was the plan but the first one was delayed as one of the 10k runners collapsed on the line and had to be attended to and then taken to hospital by air ambulance - see extra. We heard he was okay though it was an anxious short while.
I enjoyed my run, even though I finished last by about 1 min, and was about 1 min faster than 3 years ago. I overtook a number of people in the delayed Challenge and if I'd been in that I'd have had about 100 behind me.
Fish and chips and then down to the pub

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