and a very dark sky too. And mist. See Mischa's misty Weser Upland here.
I put upon my hat a straw hat not enough to deter the rain, but with a cloth over my camera iI could wander in the garden looking for some waterdrops.
This afternoon it is high time to construct or build or how you would call it our alternative Christmas tree.
We saw the site with many DIY trees decorated in such a creative way, that at first was was dumb, knowing that it would took some time to decide what line we would follow. When this is the case I always start with simple things. That requires little thinking. Getting all the boxes with Christmass stuff from the attic. Here I pur the baubles boxes, hey look there is our mexican X night scene. When I was young my parents put the little Christ child on 25 december in the crib and the Kings had to be hidden behind a tree till january the fifth.
The lights we will drape in a tree shape. The rest we will find out later.

My haiku:

The magic of drops
Transparent, perfectly shaped,
Dripping on the ground

And the proverb:

His/Her fingers are all thumbs.

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