By AMK81

Millions Missing Manchester 2019

I managed to get along for the last bit of NellieD's crochet and knit group today to collect flowers from some of the other members to take to St Peter's Square in Manchester for the Millions Missing protest :)

I grabbed a wrap from Pret on the way there and was intending to drop off the flowers and see the display of shoes etc - maybe help out a little for half an hour or so. When I got there at nearly 2pm (which was listed as the start time) people were still running around setting things out. It transpired that the flowers I'd brought (must have been 60 at least!) and others still had to have labels attached to them! So I offered to help. NellieD came along to say hi and see what was going on - and we both ended up sewing flowers onto labels for 2 hours! I really appreciated the support and company (and reminders to rest!)

It was so moving to hear the stories of those that got up to speak, especially the young girl who read out her poem about her struggles with ME. And it was powerful seeing all the shoes of those who couldn't make it and the labels saying what they were missing out on - especially those that had been diagnosed at an early age. See extras for more examples.

I didn't write a label or poster for today. But mine would say :

Diagnosed 1 year and 4 months ago
Missing from work, social occasions, walks in the park/countryside, meals out, meditation classes, leaving the house as much as I'd like, the freedom to do what I'd like with my time - to spend more time creatively and with friends.

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