No 202: Turtle Dove

We've been to one of our favourite sites today - RSPB North Warren. We went in the hope of seeing Marsh Harriers and Hobbies, and were not disappointed as we got good views of both over the reedbeds. Right from leaving the cottage, we saw and heard lots of warblers, especially Whitethroats (see extras). Most excitingly though, on our way back to the cottage I suggested to Mr PB that we take a slightly longer route across the common. It must have been a premonition, as a few yards onto the common, I heard what I was sure was the cooing of a Turtle Dove. A few years ago, I had heard the same distinctive cooing nearby but never managed to see the bird. Today, however, I spotted it perched on some overhead wires and was lucky enough to get a couple of shots in.

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