Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Christmas Sculpture

Happy Christmas everyone !

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days, we've been back and forwards, up and down that Rest & Be Thankful to see family and over to Oban for food shopping to see us over the next two week. We are defnitely not going anywhere to any big supermarket until January- had enough shopping!!!

Tonight , having finished wrapping every gift and delivered all the hand delivered cards ( hope the posties elsewhere have delivered the rest ) , cleaned the house from top to bottom I now have some time to have a camera in my hand for the first time since last Tuesday.

Too wet and windy for an outdoor blip so here is the compromise. A blip of a favourite little sculpture which we've had for many, many years. The statue is sitting on our dining room window sill and lit by the Christmas fairy lights, background is the night sky, pitch black before 4 o'clock today, still the days are now getting longer or so they say with yesterday being the shortest day.

Hope to catch up with our journals if I can. Our oldest daughter, her family and Oscar, their border collie, have arrived. Off course it didn't take the boys long to head to the park to play football in the pouring rain and the older folks are now off visiting friend So we have an oaos of peace and quiet for a couple of hours.

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