The Elms

It's been glorious today, and perfect for an outdoor swim so I was able to test out my new Apple Watch which was great.  I increased my distance and swam 60 lengths (1200 metres) in total, and the watch was spot on, as I counted my lengths just to make sure it worked.

On my way home I stopped off in Rottingdean to take some photos of the village pond - the house you can see reflected in the pond is The Elms and this is where Rudyard Kipling lived.  I had an hour to get ready for work and have lunch, before starting at 2pm and was home by 8pm.

They've announced at work that Steve is retiring on 31st July so unfortunately I have to start looking for another job, as there isn't anyone to take over.  Although they've said there'll be a fair amount of work scanning medical records etc., once he's stopped seeing patients, so I reckon I'm ok until the end of the summer.  I've already seen a few part time jobs that I've applied for, so we'll see what happens.

Anyway, I'm off to bed as I'm doing the early shift tomorrow and need to be there by 7.45am.  I've managed to catch up with some of you and will hopefully get to the rest of you tomorrow.  Hope you're having a good week!

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