Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... Oh man! Who put corn in the punch????

So said the little Downy WP after he ate a bit of corn. Apparently he doesn't care for it. He spent a few seconds hacking it up, then continued on about his day eating peanuts, which he much prefers. That means more corn for the squirrels, which makes their union rep very happy. Well, as happy as a union rep can be...

Go LARGE if you want to see his tongue!

I was trying for HOURS to get a shot of a tufted titmouse in flight today ... then I saw NatureLover's blip today and I fell in love! Honestly, if you haven't seen her blip, have a look - it's fantastic. Okay, sure, it's not a woodpecker spitting out corn, but still... haha!

I was going to give you a Christmas Clown but then I thought it actually looked a little scary! Jeez, I've had that ornament for years and never realized how ominous it looked in a certain light until today... Yikes.

I foozled around with Paintshop Pro today and took my first stab at doing selective color in editing! Pretty exciting - there's no stopping me now. Have a look HERE if you'd like - it isn't anything fancy, but I'm pleased.

This morning, just as the sun was coming up, I saw two does with their yearling fawns in the yard - light was really too poor for shots, but they were lovely to watch. And while I was watching them, I saw a most amazing sight. In the woods behind us, at least 100 vultures slowly took flight as the sun came up! It was amazing to see them coming out of the woods in such large numbers. I wonder if they've got a communal roost back there somewhere? I am planning to watch as the sun sets tonight to see if they return to that area. As you know, I like vultures, so seeing so many gracefully drifting into the sky was awesome. They are the most graceful birds in flight.

In other news, I saw a house finch with the yellow color mutation today - first one I've seen since last fall. This color mutation is very uncommon in flocks in this area, so it is startling to see it.

Well, two more sleeps ... And I've got it on good authority that the squirrels may be planning to make another appearance before the Big Day ...


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