
By NellieD

All My Sons

Book club went to HOME tonight to watch the NT Live performance of Arthur Miller's play, All My Sons.

A few of us met for a quick pizza beforehand and one of my friends saw me as I was taking this photo and shouted 'blipper' at me :).

Not too sure what I felt about the performance, didn't love it, didn't hate it, but just felt I need something more.  It has rave reviews online and a guy in the row in front looked blown away by it and said it was 'extraordinary'.  It probably didn't help that the woman to my left was snoring loudly before the performance even started!

I absolutely love NT Live and must have seen about 20 performances now, my favourite still being The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.

Walked back to the tram with a friend who lived by the canal so I took the short cut with her and grabbed a late night blip.

Quote for today:
I think it's a mistake to ever look for hope outside of one's self.
- Arthur Miller

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