Brisbane Botanical Gardens

Another lovely city oasis of greenery! If this were in the UK the colourful floral feature, top left, would be a rose garden, but this is a hibiscus flower bed. Below are close ups of just a handful of the different varieties. Elsewhere in the huge garden there are sweetly scented roses, though their visual impact pales by comparison. The garden changes ambience from area to area - now a lagoon, now a small rainforest. And a range of trees - a massive banyan being one of the most impressive (see my Extra.) In my main collage, the critters to the right were both near the lagoon area: a Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa) and an Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueurii).

The weather has been much better than forecast and remained dry, if a little muggy and 23 degrees centigrade at midday. This morning Mr PP visited the Telstra museum to see 19th century telecommunications equipment. I decided to take myself for a wander around the city centre. As one who has no sense of direction, I'm proud to say I didn't get lost. Mind you, the streets are straight lines that cross between blocks at right angles, so it was pretty easy!

Enjoyed looking round the Farmers' Market where one stall advertised its veggies as GROWN TO CLASSICAL MUSIC AND POLLINATED BY NATIVE BEES - Can't say fairer than that!

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