horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

You Have Bee-n Watching....

Lunchtime spent trying to film the bees in the hives at work. Some decent results, but more that I can do to make it even better.

I did write a bit of arant today about the 'respect' campaigns that pop up every now and then about cycling, with a new one from British Cycling recently, but rather than posting it here I'll https://toodamnedcxy.wordpress.com/2019/05/15/respect/]link it here, mainly because I'm posting in a good mood.

After a hiatus of something like 3 years I'm back playing taiko. There are a lot of politics in the big gap, but basically a large portion of the group I used to play with have been waiting on the teachers we know being able to transfer their classes to Edinburgh (they're based in Glasgow). Tonight it happened, and it's soooooo good to be back (even if I can now hardly move my arms). Technique is shot to pieces, but that'll come back, and I get the feeling with the teachers we have it's going to improve somewhat as well. 

Expect Wednesday night drumming photos in the future.

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